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Sardinal de Carrillo, Provincia de Guanacaste
Costa Rica


Airport Transportation and the best comfortable and private Tour Services in Guanacaste

Vandara Adventure Park Day Tour

Vandara Natural Hot Spring Adventure

Experience authentic adventures in Costa Rica on this outdoor excursion in the natural tropical forest. Vandara offers different tours for everyone, including zip-lining, horseback riding, a water slide, a mud bath, and natural hot springs. Enjoy a delicious lunch made with organic products grown on-site. This incredible tour is located near the Rincón de la Vieja volcano, northwest of Liberia. Along the way, you’ll witness breathtaking views, rural roads, and villages that showcase Costa Rica’s vibrant culture and way of life.

Activities at Vandara Tour

✅ Canopy (Zip-lining): Glide through the treetops and enjoy panoramic views of the tropical forest.
✅ Horseback riding: Ride along natural trails and explore the beauty of the rural landscape.
✅ Water slide: Experience the thrill of a natural water slide over 300 meters long.
✅ Volcanic mud bath: Apply mineral-rich volcanic mud to your skin for a rejuvenating experience.
✅ Natural hot springs: Relax in natural hot spring pools surrounded by lush nature.
✅ Organic lunch:
✅ Private Transportaion

Pick up: 7:00am Return: 4:30pm

Contact us & Quote

Costa Rica +506 87098980 Add us on WhatsApp

USA Phone Number +1 585 638 3613

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