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Sardinal de Carrillo, Provincia de Guanacaste
Costa Rica


Airport Transportation and the best comfortable and private Tour Services in Guanacaste

Costa Rica Wildlife Boat Tour

Costa Rica Wildlife Boat Tour

Explore the Wonders of Palo Verde National Park
Are you ready to discover Costa Rica's rich wildlife? Palo Verde National Park, a world-renowned destination for nature lovers, offers the perfect adventure. Whether you're interested in bird watching, spotting crocodiles in the Tempisque River, or meeting the adorable white-faced monkeys, this tour has something for everyone.

We offer flexible options that cater to your needs, from all-inclusive packages to family-friendly excursions that fit your budget.

What to Expect:

  • Bird Watching: Observe a diverse range of bird species in their natural habitat.

  • Wildlife Sightings: Crocodiles, white-faced monkeys, and other exotic animals await.

  • Boat Tour: Cruise along the Tempisque River in a medium-sized boat, guided by an expert who will share fascinating details about the local species.

  • Photo Opportunities: Capture amazing moments with the wildlife around you.

After the tour, enjoy a delicious traditional Creole lunch at a local restaurant, making your adventure complete.

Perfect for nature enthusiasts, families, and birdwatchers alike. Join us and experience the incredible biodiversity of Costa Rica!

What to bring:

✅Bug spray


✅Sun glasses

✅Alcohol gel

✅Copy of the passport.

Contact us & Quote

Costa Rica +506 87098980 Add us on WhatsApp

USA Phone Number +1 585 638 3613

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