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Sardinal de Carrillo, Provincia de Guanacaste
Costa Rica


Airport Transportation and the best comfortable and private Tour Services in Guanacaste

Rain Forest Rio Celeste & Chocolate Tour

Rio Celeste Waterfall Nature Tour

Discover the magical Río Celeste Waterfall on an unforgettable tour through Tenorio Volcano National Park. Hike through nature and witness breathtaking blue waters. Explore the Tropical Rainforest & Sloth Tour, an extraordinary jungle adventure that will leave you with lifelong memories. This experience includes a 45-minute uphill and 30-minute downhill hike, leading you to one of Costa Rica’s most breathtaking gems. During the tour, you’ll encounter two- and three-toed sloths in their natural habitat, as well as other fascinating species like frogs and snakes in a specialized farm. You also have the option to add the coffee and chocolate tour, where you’ll learn about local production. And, of course, we can’t forget our traditional Costa Rican lunch, included in the package. Join us for this unforgettable experience!


✅Private Transportation a/c

✅Hiken visit to waterfall

✅Sloth farm Observation of sloths in their natural habitat, frogs, snakes, toucans, and others.

✅Lunch Casado / rice, beans, protein (chicken, beef, or fish) or vegetarian

Pick up: 6:00am

Return: 4:30pm

Contact us & Quote

Costa Rica +506 87098980 Add us on WhatsApp

USA Phone Number +1 585 638 3613

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