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Sardinal de Carrillo, Provincia de Guanacaste
Costa Rica


Airport Transportation and the best comfortable and private Tour Services in Guanacaste

Whitewater rafting Adventure

Whitewater Rafting Adventure

Rafting on the Tenorio River: The Best Experience in Costa Rica If you're looking for an adrenaline-filled adventure surrounded by nature, rafting in Guanacaste, Costa Rica, is the perfect choice. The Tenorio River, located in the Guanacaste province, offers a unique journey with Class III and IV rapids, making this tour a must-do for adventure tourism lovers. The Tenorio River is famous for its combination of thrilling rapids and breathtaking scenery. This 12-kilometer journey takes you through crystal-clear waters, stunning canyons, and lush vegetation. The highlight of the trip is a 3-meter waterfall, which adds an extra level of excitement for those seeking an authentic extreme adventure in Costa Rica.

Located near Liberia, this rafting tour is ideal for visitors staying in Playas del Coco, Tamarindo, Flamingo Beach, or Papagayo Peninsula, as it allows you to combine thrilling whitewater rafting with relaxing beach getaways on the Pacific coast.

This exciting rafting tour is located just 1 hour and 45 minutes from the main beaches of Guanacaste.

Book your Costa Rica whitewater rafting adventure today!


✅ Professional bilingual guides

✅ Rafting equipment


Note: This trip is designed for clients staying in the Guanacaste area.

What to bring for this tour:

Swimsuit and / or shorts of a quick drying material; towel; sunscreen (spf-15 or higher) complete change of clothes. Rubber soled shoes that stay on and can get wet. Strap on sandals, tennis shoes or similar. Flip flops are not recommended.

  • Pick up: 6:45 am

  • Return: 4:30pm

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